Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a web browser built with open source code that is developed by Google. The primary design goals were improvements in security, speed, and stability compared to existing browsers.

First impressions of the new browser are positive, with lots of clever time saving functions built in. Will Google Chrome take over from IE or Firefox only time will tell. To take a closer look at the new web browser watch the video embedded into this post.

Friday, 5 September 2008

JISC Legal - Web 2.0 Senior Managers Workshops - Liability and Law

The online booking forms are now available for the JISC Legal - Web 2.0 Senior Managers Workshops
Liability and Law in association with Maclay Murray & Spens LLP http://www.mms.co.uk/.

The content of these concise events is directed at those individuals who are making strategic decisions
with regard to Web 2.0. The aim is to provide sufficient knowledge of the legal risks associated with
Web 2.0 use at institutions to enable senior managers to be able to assess whether the legal safeguards
which they already have in place are sufficient to withstand the new demands of Web 2.0. With a number
of legal measures in place an institution will be better protected should difficulties arise.

Dates and Venues
  • London (HE) - Regent's College Conference Centre - 22 Sep 2008
  • Birmingham (FE) - Jury's Inn Hotel - 06 Oct 2008
  • Glasgow (FE) - The Teacher Building - 13 Oct 2008
  • Manchester (FE) - Manchester Conference Centre - 20 Oct 2008
  • London (FE) Regent's College Conference Centre - 27 Oct 2008

In addition to the information sessions each delegate will receive a “Web 2.0 Legal Toolkit”
a set of publications specifically written to support the content of the event.
Please encourage your senior managers to represent your institution at the event in your region

Areas of law which will be addressed include:
  • liability for content, defamation, publications of obscene and illegal materials
  • bullying, harassment, stalking
  • privacy and data protection
  • copyright, moral rights, and database right
  • discrimination against those with disabilities.

Maclay Murray & Spens LLP
JISC Legal is delighted to be able to have the assistance of Maclay Murray & Spens LLP
http://www.mms.co.uk/ in the delivery of this workshop.
Gillian Cordall and Alison Bryce will be analysing and advising on the legal risks and
opportunities which Web 2.0 create.

Further details of the event together with the programme and online booking form are available here

Tuesday, 2 September 2008


I have just come across Read Write Web in my search for information about Micro-blogging there is a great article that briefly describes Micro-blogging and which looks at the top 10 sites. I hope you find this article of interest.

Monday, 1 September 2008


We’ve been trialling a new presentation aid called Papershow in the office. Its a hardware and software combination which is comprised of a bluetooth pen and a USB stick.

Essentially, you write on the special Papershow pad with the bluetooth pen, using the icons located on the pad to select the required drawing options, the results are then displayed on the computer monitor and consequently on whatever projector you have. When you have finished with a page of notes or PowerPoint slides, you simply save or print the results. Video Clip.

Put simply Papershow can substitute for a whiteboard or flip chart, making it easy to share results after the event. This functionality will be familiar to those who have electronic whiteboards, but this new technology is much cheaper and can be used wherever you can take a laptop, making it ultra mobile.

We have found Papershow simple to set up and use, and the pen and paper are as responsive as any graphics tablet and the work range between the USB stick and pen means you can easy pass it around the classroom. If you want freeform, handwritten notes and graphics that you can share electronically this is well worth a second look.

Starter packs contain a USB stick, bluetooth pen,batteries and an A4 pad. Packs will be available to purchase as from mid September and will cost £117.49 inc VAT.

Why Wiki?

Are you unsure what a Wiki is?

Are you unsure whether a Wiki is a suitable tool to use and unaware if its potential benefits?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions then examine the link embedded into each question. Although the information found by visiting these links isn’t a definitive answer to these questions they will act as a starting point.

To find out whether a Wiki is for you go to www.wetpaint.com. WetPaint.com is a free Wiki website that allows the user create a simple Wiki in three easy steps (other websites are available).

Is Google the only real option? - Rather than working harder try working smarter!

Rather than working harder try working smarter! Rather than using one search engine to source the information you require why not use two at once and may be help the environment at the same time?

Try the links below to find out more. Here are some Google variations and alternatives:

>> Gahooyoogle
Split-screen results from Google and Yahoo

>> Blackle
Energy efficient Google variant

>> Dogpile
Combines search results from Google, Yahoo, Live, Ask and others

>> Icerocket
Extra features including archived versions of search results, thumbnail previews, expandable quick view panels and more

>> Sputtr
Create your personal custom search page

>> Technorati
Blog, Web, image search


The Eee PC is easy to use with its intuitive graphical user interface, opening up a brave new world, maximising social networking opportunities for those potential uses who find the typical Graphical User Interface (GUI) intimidating. The Eee pc also features a host of tools to facilitate student homework including Open Office.
The ASUS Eee PC with its 7″ compact size and weighing, less than 1 kg and Wifi connectivity keeps you truly mobile.

Although the Eee can not act as the everyday workhorse it is still a potential solution for cost effective collaborative working practices whilst on the move. With the its Operating System (OS) being Linux bases and the office package being Open Office licensing issues are not a problem. To learn more about this go to http://eeepc.asus.com/global/product.htm

Build your own mobile learning device?

I thought this item on the BBC Click website sounded like a brilliant idea. Basically the user selects a series of components for example a digital camera, an LCD screen, a GPS unit and clicks them together to create a handheld device that can geocode the image taken. Although this innovative product is still in the embryonic stage additional components are being developed and it will not be long before it hits the high street!

This could potentially provide learning providers with the opportunity to customise handheld devices to meet the specific needs of its learners, additional components can be purchased as and when required to create new devices without the need to purchase completely new devices each time a new need is identified .

I hope you will agree this idea has great potential for the future.

That's a wrap!

For those collaborative assignments or evidence gathering elements of a subject module video capture can prove to be invaluable. However the cost, potential damage or loss and required skills to operate this equipment can prevent it being embedded into the curriculum.
I have just found two simple to use, inexpensive products for the budding Steve Spielberg’s amongst us that are on a tight budget.

The disgo and busbi digital video camcorders range in price from £29.99 inc vat and £39.99 for the basic models respectfully to £69.99 inc vat for the (plus) models.
They are easy to use and provide a reasonable end product and are ideal for the majority of activities, not sure take a look. After reading a number of online reviews and watching a few demonstrations on YouTube, for example from David Sudgen a well respected member of the Mobile Learning community I can see that these tools have great potential.