Monday, 1 September 2008

That's a wrap!

For those collaborative assignments or evidence gathering elements of a subject module video capture can prove to be invaluable. However the cost, potential damage or loss and required skills to operate this equipment can prevent it being embedded into the curriculum.
I have just found two simple to use, inexpensive products for the budding Steve Spielberg’s amongst us that are on a tight budget.

The disgo and busbi digital video camcorders range in price from £29.99 inc vat and £39.99 for the basic models respectfully to £69.99 inc vat for the (plus) models.
They are easy to use and provide a reasonable end product and are ideal for the majority of activities, not sure take a look. After reading a number of online reviews and watching a few demonstrations on YouTube, for example from David Sudgen a well respected member of the Mobile Learning community I can see that these tools have great potential.

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