Tuesday, 2 February 2010

The iPad first impressions

Over the last few days there has been a lot said about the new product from Apple, the iPad. Admittedly most if it is very positive, however I have one or two reservations about this device: Flash media files are not supported, the user feedback (or lack there of)from the virtual keyboard my be an issue for some users (so you need to buy an external keyboard) and for me the biggest let down is the lacking ability to have multiple apps open at one time. These points are where I think Googles much taked about future equivalent may win a greater slice of market sales for this particular type of device.

I am not alone is my opion this article from the Telegraph reflects my concerns, is a great article that makes a lot of sence.

I can see the future computing in education moving over time towards these types of devices as the mainstream and this only means great things for the learner as long as we dont forget those learners who's' disabilities may find touch sensitive interfaces an issue.

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