Friday 21 January 2011

Change of Direction?

More and more of my time is now being devoted to eSafety, this being the safe and responsible use of technology.

It is sometimes presented as primarily a child protection issue. While children, young people and vulnerable adults do need support to keep themselves safe online the risks associated with the use of technology are not confined to them. e-Safety issues may also affect adults – for example, the mismanagement of personal data, and risks of financial scams, identity theft and cyberbullying. This will be particularly relevant for those adults who are new to using technology.

As the two main areas of my role (Learning Technologies and eSafety) are so closely linked I am going to use this blog for both areas. I aim to increase the number of posts each month with a mix of useful text, video and poscasts. My first full post will be next week, watch this space.....

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